Usually, a hernia occurs when an intestine or organ in the pelvic region try to bulge through the weakened portion of the surrounding muscles, mostly the abdominal wall. In multiple cases, the hernia might pop out when the patient puts extra pressure on the abdomen. Inguinal, femoral, and incisional hernia are among the most common types of condition.
In the last few decades, the laparoscopic hernia mesh procedure involving a net-like mesh implant has gained momentum over the open repair surgery. However, multiple reports have surfaced in recent times regarding severe side effects after the surgery.
How is the procedure done?
During the operation, the doctor reinforces the mesh implant into the weakened muscles of the abdomen. Theoretically, the mesh implant is supposed to prevent hernia recurrences, and provide the patients with lasting relief. However, reports relating to severe complications associated with the mesh implant have surfaced in the recent past.
According to several reports, patients have suffered from complications like massive bleeding, stabbing pain in the abdomen, difficulty in passing bowel, and development of adhesions. According to reports presented by the FDA, some of the recalled hernia mesh products were responsible for causing bowel perforation and complications associated with obstructions.
The endnote,
The issues triggered by the hernia mesh procedure can make it difficult for the patients to lead a healthy life. According to Hernia Mesh Claims, these patients are eligible for compensation and justice. If you too are suffering after the hernia mesh surgery, then you can approach them at or call (855)748-6227.
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