Simply explained, hernia is when an organ, or fatty tissue, most commonly in the abdomen or groin, pushes through a damaged or weakened muscle or tissue surrounding it, often causing a protrusion under the skin. Surgical hernia mesh is used as a fibrous patch to support damaged and weakened tissues, or hernias. They have been widely used all across the globe to treat abdominal hernias. Unfortunately, these meshes have caused health issues which the victims took to file for the abdominal hernia mesh lawsuit . Hernia mesh claims vary in the length of time they need to settle as depending on the situation, they can be extremely complicated. Over time, side effects from hernia mesh may include: Chronic pain Inflammatory, swelling or allergic or hypersensitivity reaction Adhesion to bowels or other neighboring organs Bacterial infections Encapsulation or folding over of the mesh Intestinal obstructions Mesh migration Organ perforation Fistulas The abd...